Poem – Nostalgia – By Charmaine Candappa   NOSTALGIA In this twilight hour I sit alone thinking of last summer Of the hours together, of things we shared. Lessons learned, the tea and coffee breaks Followed by many study assignments. The trembling fears on those crucial days We had to conquer. I recall yesterday’s conversations Our hopes, our plans, and the sadness of parting. I remember how you tossed your salad shaking your bowl blending in the seasoning. I wonder how you are doing, yet knowing you are okay. I wonder if we would see each other again And in these many hours of aloneness I weave together the threads of my memories Tracing with hope a quilt with the separate pieces Each piece has my heart print. My gift to you, to wrap around your shoulders And feel the warmth of our friendship. Click here to receive your free ...

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Twilight Reminiscences 17- Happiness is….by Sanjiva Wijesinha Source:Sanjivawijesinha “You know, Sanjo” said my friend Devendra as we sat on the balcony recently enjoying a drink and the evening sunset, “If you had to define Happiness, it is simply being content with where one is – and being content  with what one is doing at that particular moment in time”. Now Deve has been my friend for many years (a friendship spanning several decades in fact, commencing from the year we first entered the Colombo Medial School together!) and I have always been impressed by his ability to express profound thoughts in such simple words. And having over the years seen so many patients, acquaintances and friends chasing wealth, fame and position, ever looking before and after and hankering for what is not, I have realised that Deve’s observation makes perfect sense. Contentment is having the grace to accept that where one is ...

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Saints’ rivalry forged strong bonds of friendship – By Lawrence Heyn in Brisbane, Australia Source : sundaytimes History-making Josephian and Peterite teams: (Back row, from left): Kitto Fernandopulle, Angelo Wickremaratne, Charinde Perera, Romello Anandappa, Darrel Wijetunge, Aruna Perera, Carlton Bernadus, Reynold Anandappa, Anura Eliyathamby, Narain Melvani, Noel Warnakula, Lal Perera, Nilkamal Perera, Kevin Hingert, and Suraj Abeysekera (Middle row, from left): Michael Chanmugam (SPC coach), Vernon Tissera (umpire), Priyalal de Silva, Rohan Wijesinghe, Ranjan Perera, Shamilal de S. Wijeratne, S.C. Rohan Fernando, Susilough de S. Wijeratne, Ajit de Alwis, Ranjit Senaratne, Wayne Jansz, Sunanda Jayasekera, Niranjan Weerasinghe, James Perera (SJC coach) and S. Ponnadurai (umpire) (Seated, from left): Angelo Rayer (SJC master in-charge), Rev. Fr. Lucian dep (SJC Prefect of Games), Trevor Croner, Rev. Fr. Quintus Fernando (SJC Rector), Dushan Soza (SJC captain), Bernard Wijetunge (SPC captain), Rev. Fr. Claver Perera (SPC Rector), Frank Hubert, Rev. Fr. Chrys Abeyratne (SPC Prefect ...

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Friends for life – By Pramod De Silva Source : sundayobserver Remember that the most valuable antiques are dear old friends – Jackson Brown I found walking into the Grade One classroom on the very first day of school in my life a somewhat intimidating experience, having never really left the protective ‘nest’ of my parents and adoring brothers and sisters. Around 30 similarly frightened children of my age were seated randomly, quite unable to process what was going on. Then the class teacher walked in, flashing a pleasing smile and assuaged our fears. She asked us to stand one by one and say our names aloud so that all will get to know them. “You will be together this year and perhaps till the end of your lives. Talk to the boys seated next to you and get to know everyone bit by bit.” Her words proved prophetic as within just ...

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