CELEBRATED DRUMMER, COMEDIAN ,FOOTBALLER SUSIL PERERA’S,SONS ISURU AND LAKALA ARE ILLUSTRIOUS FOOTBALLER AND RUGGERITE OF GIGANTIC FAME VIA HERDITARY AFFILIATIONS – By Sunil Thenabadu Hereditary Affiliations is proved beyond any doubt when considering the feats of  footballer Susil Perera’s sons Isuru’s  and Lakala’s sports achievements in Football and Rugby are reminisced from father Susil to the offspring, In this instance case it is the sports abilities of Susil Perera been passed on to the sons Isuru and Lakala who have triumphed in Football and Rugby representing mother Lanka bringing unblemished laurels to Sri Lanka’s sport having shone to unprecedented tall summits. Both Isuru and Lakala father Susil and mother Ruby Grace had admitted to St.Peter’s College Bambalapitiya.The duo  Isuru and lakala having successfully achieved the much needed education  had shone to tall summits in Football and Rugby respectively  in the college and then in the famous clubs like Saunders SC, ...

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