Godfrey Gunatilleke: A Gentleman for All Seasons-by Leelananda De Silva Leelananda De Silva, in Island, 28 April 2020,  and 11 August 2018, where the title is “Godfrey Gunatilleke – A Life of Quiet Achievement” Godfrey Gunatilleke is one of the leading intellectuals in the latter half of the 20th century in Sri Lanka. Never a man to be confined by disciplinary compartments, he straddled across many academic and administrative fields in his long career. An English scholar to start with, he was one of the finest products of the University of Ceylon which lasted in its pristine form (as envisioned by its founding fathers) for 20 years from 1943 to the early 1960s. A= Godfrey Gunatillake (c) and Gen. Anton Muttukumaru, Ceylon’s High Commissioner in Canberra, at a 1965 ECAFE meeting in Wellington …. B = Godfrey clarifying a point Godfrey did not go for higher academic degrees, but he taught himself to be ...

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