F.J. & G. de Saram, the country’s first law firm, celebrates 180 years of continued excellence-by Franklyn Amerasinghe From left: Founder F.J. de Saram (Snr.), F.J. de Saram (Jnr.) and George de Saram Source:FT The British disposed of land in somewhat of a frenzy in the early part of the 19th century, according to Sir Thomas Villiers who authored a very authoritative and descriptive book called ‘Corporate Lore’ (1940).  Enormous tracts of land were conveyed on Crown grants and the boundaries between lands were marked by the planters themselves with descriptions of the lands being sketchy and vague. There were also a large number of re-sales taking place based on these Crown Grants. In order to achieve some degree of compliance with obligations entered into, notarial instruments such as ‘Crop Bonds’ which were in relation to future crops being consigned to financial houses for sale in London, were needed.  When ...

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