Unsung Heroes: Recognizing the Vital Role of Garbage Cleaners and Sanitary Workers – By Jayadeva de Silva Source : Jayadeva De Silva Linkedin Garbage cleaners and sanitary workers are the unsung heroes of our communities. Their tireless efforts keep our streets clean, our environment healthy, and our cities functioning smoothly. They deserve recognition and appreciation for several reasons: Public Health: Sanitary workers play a crucial role in maintaining public health by collecting and disposing of waste properly. Their work prevents the spread of diseases and helps keep communities safe and hygienic. Environmental Protection: By removing waste from streets, parks, and waterways, garbage cleaners help protect the environment. Proper waste disposal reduces pollution and minimizes harm to wildlife and ecosystems. Quality of Life: Clean surroundings contribute to a higher quality of life for everyone. Garbage cleaners improve the aesthetics of neighborhoods, making them more pleasant and inviting places to live, work, and ...

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