SINHALA-ENGLISH DICTIONARY COMPILED BY AWARD WINNING AUTHOR BUUDDHDASA HEWAGE The newest third edition of  Sinhala-English dictionary authored by erudite personality Buddhadasa Hewage was launched recently, is massive book that consists of more than two thousand five hundred (2500) pages perhaps the largest dictionary ever published in Sri Lanka. It contains more than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) English words, with significances translated from about ninety-five thousand (95,000) Sinhala words mostly uncommon words translated to precision with dead accuracy as an author publication. The dictionary is of high value to Sinhalese native language students as there are Sinhalese words similar, first to seek the English words which could be easily found via the alphabetical order The dictionary has been approved by the Ministry of Education in Sri Lanka as an essential library book. . Buddhadasa had been a teacher retired in year 1998 had launched on this endeavour having collected ...

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