Happy 133rd Anniversary to Kingswood College Kandy Source:Instagram Happy 133rd to Kingswood College Kandy and to all Kingswoodians! Blaze’s School was modelled on the English Public School system and traditions, and has been a testament to its founder L.E. Balze’s mission and vision, enduring and overcoming many challenges through its journey since founded as ‘Boys’ High School Kandy’ in 1891 with just eleven students at Pavilion Street. School was later moved to Brownrigg Street and finally settled down at the more spacious Randles Hill at Mulgampola in 1925, where it stands majestically today. The story of Kingswood College is one for the ages, from a humble beginning to what it has achieved today. College owes so much to it’s great educationist Blaze and successive Principles and Alumni who kept the traditions and vision alive. Here’s wishing the school all the best in developing Kingswoodians with valour and faith to face ...

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