Professor Emeritus Naren Chitty, AM BIO-DATA Professor Emeritus Naren Chitty AM, now in his seventy-fifth year, has had two careers, the more recent one in university education and the first in the service of Sri Lanka at home and abroad. Embarking on a career in tertiary education at Macquarie University in 1989, he founded the Department of International Communication, The Journal of International Communication, and the Soft Power Analysis and Resource Centre (SPARC). He served in positions of Dean, Associate Dean and Head of Department. Today, he continues to direct SPARC as Professor Emeritus. He was recognized in 2009 by the Commonwealth of Australia “for services to education, particularly in the field of international communications as a researcher and academic and to a range of professional associations” through investiture as a Member of the Order of Australia (A.M.). He served as Secretary General of the International Association for Media and ...

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