Stories Behind Names of Places in Sri Lanka: How “Elapatha” got its Name-by Dr. Nimal Sedera Source:Brisbane 4EB Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – August 2021 Elapatha is a village in the Sabaragamuwa Province. How the name came into being is quite an interesting story. It has to be said that there are sometimes more than one version behind how names of places originated. There was a well known “Walauwa “ in the area and they commanded much respect from the people. Though the villagers respected them they had a disliking for this family as they were leading an exclusive life disregarding the common people. But this was not evident to the “Walauwa people”. The peasants were helpless as most of them worked in the “Walauwa lands “ for a living. The caste system was prevalent at that time. There was a maturing son in the “Walauwa family” and he ...

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