Kaleidoscope with Savithri Rodrigo 215 20 06 2024 Who’s alarming whom about climate emergency! Get the real details on the climate change non-emergency, explore the win-win of governance linked bonds, refocus art with Shoelace Studio, capture the earth, enjoy turtle trivia and some economic vignettes! Click here to receive your free copy of the eLanka Newsletter twice a week delivered directly to your inbox! ...

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Kaleidoscope with Savithri Rodrigo 192 11 01 2024 Is 2024 going well so far? It certainly is for the Outhouse Woman, and it’s shaping up to be a great year for women in motorsport! Plus – what to do on safari, the glitz and glam of the Golden Globes, a second moon landing, gigantic killer worms, monkey kings, dreamy hidden waterfalls, economic vignettes and much more on the show. ...

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