‘What I do in my bedroom shouldn’t be State’s business’ -Rosanna Flamer-Caldera-by Easwaran Rutnam Source:Dailymirror LGBTIQ community still marginalised  Most people not reporting on abuse We don’t have to hide in the closet to have sex Not acceptable globally for people to be discriminated against Adult same sex sexual relationships are criminalized by articles in the penal code LGBTIQ rights have been and are still a very sensitive topic in Sri Lanka.   The topic is sensitive mainly because of Sri Lanka’s strong cultural background, a culture which refuses to accept gay rights. Rosanna Flamer-Caldera has been pushing for the recognition of LGBTIQ rights in Sri Lanka. Yet those attempts have yet to reach a successful conclusion. Following are excerpts of an interview done with  Rosanna Flamer-Caldera: QYou are the Founder of EQUAL GROUND and have been advocating for LGBT rights in Sri Lanka for a long time. Have you been successful in ...

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