Dutch colonial architecture in Matara- BY MAHIL WIJESINGHE The front view of six-pointed Star Fort in Matara   Source:Sundayobserver                     The easiest way to get to Matara is by the Southern Expressway. The new road greatly shortens the driving time of six and a half hours to one and a half hours. The expressway runs inland, well away from the scenic coastal highway known as Galle Road that links Colombo with the Southern cities of Hikkaduwa, Galle and Matara. We drove South on the Southern Expressway last month, visited several fascinating places during our three- day journey, and finally to Matara, where the end of the Southern Expressway and the beginning of the new extension of the railway track to Kataragama, is a bustling town whose main streets are like canyon formed by concrete structured shops, offices and banks. A quaint ...

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