The Significance of Duruthu Full Moon Poya Day-by Kalani-eLanka Image Source:pixabay Duruthu Poya falls on January 25th this year, it’s a significant occasion for Buddhists to observe and celebrate. Devotees will engage in various religious activities, visit temples, and participate in rituals and ceremonies to commemorate the historical event associated with the Buddha’s first visit to Sri Lanka. Duruthu Full Moon Poya Day holds a special place in the hearts of Buddhists, particularly in Sri Lanka. This sacred day, observed on the full moon day in the month of Duruthu, commemorates a pivotal moment in the life of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became the Buddha. The historical significance of this day lies in the Buddha’s first visit to Sri Lanka, marking the beginning of a tradition that continues to resonate with millions of devotees worldwide. According to Buddhist tradition, on Duruthu Poya Day, over two millennia ago, the Buddha visited ...

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Worship once and cleanse yourself-by Mahil Wijesinghe   Image Source:Sundayobserver Source:Sundayobserver The high regard for Kelaniya among the Buddhists is demonstrated by a popular anecdote which we have heard as children. Sung as a verse, it reads: Upan da sita karapu pavu netha – Varak vendoth Kelaniye. Though it claims that one’s sins will be washed away once the person worships at Kelaniya, it is a highly exaggerated statement intended to get devotees to go at least once and worship there. The Kelaniya temple is one of the most important places of worship for Buddhists in and around the capital. It nestles in spiritual surroundings on a higher terrace on the banks of the Kelani Ganga outside the highly urbanised Kelaniya city, ten kilometres Northeast of Colombo Fort, a short detour off the Kandy road. I got a chance to visit this temple one sunny day last week, prior to ...

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Duruthu Full Moon Poya day – By Malsha – eLanka Duruthu is the month of January in the Sinhala system. The first full moon day of the year is Duruthu Poya. The special event that led to each Poya day is revealed through the character of Buddha.This article presents information about the importance of Duruthu Poya. Lord Buddha visited Mahiyangana in Lanka for the first time and solved the problem of the yaksha and naga tribes. On that day god Sumanasaman heard Dharma from Lord Buddha and became sovan. On that day, Lord Buddha gave the hair relics to Lord Sumanasaman. Lord Buddha preached the Dhamma to three Jatilas and other Jatilas on a duruthu day. On the invitation of King Bimbisara, Lord Buddha has come to Rajagahanuwara from Uruvela dhanauwa. The Veluvanaramaya built by King Bimbisara was offered to the Lord Buddha and the Sangha on a This poya ...

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