Calmness falls gracefully in the Dumbara Hills Sansun Ella Source:Dailynews Knuckles. The meaning of the word can be found in any dictionary. Knuckles. It’s also a place, a vast space in fact but one which has been misnamed. There certainly is a series of peaks that resemble the knuckles of a clenched fist, but there are 19 more, Gombaniya being the highest at 6,253 feet. There’s Kirigalpotha (not to be confused with the Kirigalpotha in Maha Eliya or Horton Plains), Aliyawetunaela, Dumbanagala, Yakungegala, Dothalugala, Wamarapugala, Koboneelagala, Thunhisgala, Rilagala, Nawanagala, Telambugala, Lakegala, Maratuwegala, Balagiriya, Velangala, Lahumanagala, Kihihirigala and Lunumadalla. The ‘knuckles’ inspired early British surveyors to assign the name, but it has come to refer to a vast area more than 20,000 ha in extent. The more appropriate name of course would be the one used for centuries by Sinhala villagers, Dumbara Kanduwetiya, or ‘mist-laden mountain range.’ ...

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