Lasitha Attanagoda ruggerite par excellence-by Upananda Jayasundera Lasitha Maduranga Attanagoda in action. Picture by Upananda Jayasundera, Kandy Sports Spl.Corr Source:Dailynews Lasitha Maduranga Attanagoda is an old boy of St.Sylvester’sCollege,Kandy who started schooling from Grade.I of the School and he started playing rugby at the age of eleven years. At that time the Under 12 rugby team was coached by Nimal Fernando and Dulip Mettananda. His Under 13 rugby coach was Gihan Chandrika Silva and Under 16 coaches were Jagath Gunawardena and Sampath Silva. Lasitha’s senior level coaches were S.A. Niyadigala, Prasad Indunil, Aruna Rankothge and G.Gunadasa. All these coaches of St.Sylvester’s made him a Rugby Star and he was in the School Rugby team from the start. ...

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