A Shepherd unto God’s heart Long-serving Bishop Vianney Fernando retires this week Source:Sundaytimes On March 27, (Wednesday) in the Holy Week of 1983, the Vatican Radio announced the appointment of Very Rev Fr Vianney Fernando, Vicar General of the Diocese of Kandy as the Sixth Bishop of Kandy, by His Holiness Pope (St) John Paul II. With his Episcopal Ordination on May 21, 1983, Bishop Vianney took over the Diocese of Kandy from his predecessor and mentor, Bishop Paul Perera, and when he hands over the Diocese to his successor, Rt Rev Dr Valence Mendis on January 17, 2022, he would complete his period of shepherding the Diocese for 38 years, 7 months and 27 days (a total of 14,121 days to be precise) creating history as the longest serving Bishop of a Diocese of the Catholic Church in Sri Lanka. It is fitting that Bishop Vianney hands over the ...

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