Uduvil Girls’ College Bicentenary – Dr. Thayalan Ambalavanar Tuesday morning (6th February) saw the inaugural function of the Bicentennial celebrations of Uduvil Girls’ College in their college hall. The program was titled ‘Anthizo’ which in Greek means blossom. It was 200 years ago that a young American missionary, Harriet Winslow, started this school which was then called the Female Central School. The first two girl students were little ones who used to peer curiously through the windows of the Mission house. Harriet started teaching them and thus  a great institution was born.It is the oldest boarding school for girls in Asia. Despite the resistance of the community to educating girls, the numbers slowly but steadily increased. Harriet, who suffered many personal losses, herself died sadly at the age of 33. In its 200 year history the school has been served by just ten Principals including the incumbent Ms. Rosanna Kulendran. ...

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Christian Medical College  Vellore’s  donation To  the Northern Provincial Health Ministry             ‘ Not to be ministered unto but to minister ‘ Teaching Hospital, Jaffna has been fortunate in that it has received  help from numerous sources during these difficult times. Among those who have come forward with such help has been Christian Medical College, Vellore . For the second time in less than six months they have made a significant donation of medicines and consumables to the hospital. On this occasion they also donated medicines and consumables for the Northern Provincial Health Ministry. All in all a total of twenty five boxes of items ranging from badly needed medicines and consumables. The commercial value of the consignment would be approximately LKR 20 million. ...

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