Distinguished Sri Lankan Aussies: DFAT Honours-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Peter Kuruvita: Chef, restaurateur and television host Peter Kuruvita’s career was forged in early childhood accompanying his grandmother to markets in Sri Lanka. Kuruvita would observe her devotion to preparing the family meal, while she explained the significance of each ingredient. After emigrating to Australia, Kuruvita’s father allowed him to leave school to follow his dream – on the condition that he pursue an apprenticeship. He has gone on to forge a career as a chef, restaurateur, author and host of his own television series. Kuruvita has worked to transform Australians’ perceptions of Sri Lanka by promoting Sri Lankan culinary traditions and heritage. Through his published works and television series, Kuruvita has played an important role introducing Sri Lankan culture to a wider audience. Victor Melder; Researcher and historian– In nearly 50 years, Victor Melder, founder of the Sri Lanka library in Melbourne, ...

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