Industry 4.0: What lies ahead?-by Mimaddrini Ranasinghe The optimistic futurists among us will embark on a worthy journey that would bring enlightenment in the future direction of technology Source:Ft Humans with their constant curiosity and taste for advancement are known for seeking avenues to enhance their ever-changing lifestyle. The future beckons us as a formidable force. Are you ready to embrace technological innovation or be beaten in the race for survival? Will man have supremacy over machines and will we soon be living in an age where all routine work will be totally automated?  COVID-19, a pandemic that has created upheaval and havoc in our everyday lives, is the stark reality that tech is the way forward. Did you ever stop to think how all online work could have been a possibility if not for the advent of the internet? The paramount importance of working online is the rule of ...

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