A man went into cardiac arrest on a run. A doctor running nearby saved him. Now, they’re marathon partners – By Gina Vivinetto and Hannah Van Winkle Source : today Two physicians who share a special bond will be running the 2022 New York City Marathon together on Nov. 6. In 2019, Dr. John Harvey, a surgeon at New York City’s Mount Sinai Hospital, was on a 18-mile marathon training run in Central Park. At mile 15, he stopping to kiss his wife, Helena, who had been cheering him on. “She was there at mile 15, and she gave me a banana, and I gave her a kiss. Then I carried on, and that was my last memory of the run,” Harvey told TODAY. What Helena didn’t see is that moments after that kiss, her husband collapsed to the ground as he went into cardiac arrest. In a stroke of luck, Dr. ...

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