‘Healing wounded souls’ Dr. Gamini Goonetilleke an interview with the editor of  Commonwealth Union. com – By: Indeewara Thilakarathne Date: March 13, 2023 Original Story link from commonwealth union website: https://www.commonwealthunion.com/healing-the-wounded-souls/ Source : drgamini.org Book cover In an exclusive interview with the Commonwealthunion, Dr. Gamini Goonatilleke, a Sri Lankan Senior Consultant Surgeon spells out his once-in-a-life time experiences against the backdrop of 30 years of conflict dominated by ruthless terrorism spearheaded by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, an elusive separate state to be carved out of the Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. Question: Your memoirs titled “The Extra Mile” is, invariably, captured one of the tragic eras in the contemporary political history of the nation.  This, though tragic, has led to the generation of authentic body of indigenous knowledge in the area of Combat wound and Military Would Care.  Your memoirs commence with some noteworthy cases, particularly, the time ...

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