Aid Across Flood Waters: Dr Enoka Guneratne on Duty – By Michael Roberts Current Affairs News Item,on Channel Nine, 5 July 2022, where the title reads “Doctor’s mercy dash across surging floodwaters to help patients” New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet has warned that flooding across the state is far from over. More than 50,000 people are now under flood evacuation orders or warnings and whole suburbs that have been cut off are still in need of access to essential services, which is where Dr Enoka Guneratne comes in. “I come from a third-world country, but I’ve never seen this,” the Richmond doctor, who is originally from Sri Lanka, said about the devastation left by the floods in Sydney’s north-west. NSW residents say ‘this is our fourth flood in a few months’. Flood cleanup to begin all over again ’36 hours’ after last cleanup. “Even there, people have access to medical stuff ...

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Doctor’s mercy dash across surging floodwaters to help patients New South Wales Premier Dominic Perrottet has warned that flooding across the state is far from over. More than 50,000 people are now under flood evacuation orders or warnings and whole suburbs that have been cut off are still in need of access to essential services, which is where Dr Enoka Guneratne comes in. “I come from a third-world country, but I’ve never seen this,” the Richmond doctor, who is originally from Sri Lanka, said about the devastation left by the floods in Sydney’s north-west. “Even there, people have access to medical stuff even during the worst times. “Here the community is cut off from … mainstream medical help.” Guneratne said she’ll do anything to help her patients. Today she suited up in a life jacket over scrubs, with a garbage bag of supplies, in an effort to get to ...

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