Sri Lankan Scientist contributing to the COVID-19 Vaccine Source:Dæhæna – Monthly e-Newsletter January 2021 Sri Lankan scientist Dr Danushka Kumara Wijesundara has been on the University of Queensland (UQ) team who were tasked to develop a coronavirus vaccine as a component of Australia’s response to target the COVID-19 pandemic. While it was unfortunate that the wide scale clinical trials of the vaccine were aborted, the contribution of the team to science and rapid vaccine development is undisputed. Recently, Daehaena sat with Dr Wijesundara and discussed the challenges and joys of doing cutting edge research. D: Where did you have your education and what experiences were you exposed to? DW: After my primary school education in Sri Lanka, most of my secondary schooling and schooling in general was accomplished at The International School of Yangon (ISY), Myanmar when the country was under the rule of a military junta. During this time, ...

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