Tribute: C : Heart of a poet, mind of a scientist It is with great sadness I learnt of the demise of Judge Christie Weeramantry, a friend and a mentor. In his passing away, the International community has lost a towering legal mind who served as an exceptional judge, eminent jurist, and outstanding professor, with boundless dedication, utmost humility, and commitment for nearly seven decades. Above all, he was a phenomenal human being. We shall indeed miss his noble service. My association with Judge Weeramantry dates back to his first visit to the United States in April 1969, on a lecture tour of North American Universities. From then onwards, I have continued to marvel at the depth and breadth of his scholarship, and was immensely enriched by his friendship and guidance. It is astonishing that a man who had a long career as a Judge, a professor, and active in public ...

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