“D.S.DAY” 19/6/1911 – 109th Birthday Anniversary – DUDLEY SENANAYAKE – By Des Kelly     “D.S.DAY” 19/6/1911 109th Birthday Anniversary.                             DUDLEY SENANAYAKE           Quite certainly, the very best Prime Minister that  olde Ceylon was privileged to have. I remember him well. He “took over” from his Dad,when Don Stephan.Senanayake died, after he fell off his horse on the Galle Face Green, when the animal accidentally stepped into an unseen crevice at the edge of the green in early 1952. He then served as P.M. for just over one and a half years, before resigning in 1953, due to illness. John Kotalawala then stepped in to serve as P.M. until 1956, only to be beaten by the FIRST Woman Prime Minister, ever, Mrs.Sirimavo Bandaranaike, wife of the assassinated P.M. S.W,R.D. Bandaranaike. She served until ...

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