Tribute to Nimal Maralande   – By Errol Fernando (16th March 1939   –  31st July 1997) My dear friends, my dear fellow-Trinitians, there are times when it is easy to speak and there are times when it is difficult to speak.  I thought that it was difficult for me to speak at my father’s funeral service a few months ago.  But in some ways it is more difficult to speak here today because it was only this morning that I heard of Nimal’s death.  My thoughts were with Nimal as I drove to school this morning, unaware that he had died.  I had planned to phone him from school in response to three messages that he had left for me during the last three days.  He left one message with my wife and two messages with my daughter  –  messages that contained Nimal’s usual humour and a couple of jokes which only he and ...

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