QUEEN ELIZABETH II 2021 NEW YEAR HONOURS LIST INCLUDES SEVERAL BRITISH-SRI LANKANS – BY UPALI OBEYESEKERE Source: The Sri Lankan Anchorman The British Honors’ System is steeped in tradition and decorum. Throughout history, monarchs have rewarded those who have shown service, loyalty or gallantry with gifts or titles. After medieval times, physical gifts such as land or money were replaced by the awarding of knighthoods and of membership within Orders of chivalry, accompanied by insignia such as gold or silver chains. As ‘fountain of honour’ in the UK, The Queen has the sole right of conferring titles of honour on deserving people from all walks of life, in public recognition of their merit, service or bravery. The most well-known honours are probably MBEs, OBEs, and CBEs, but there are a whole range of other honours that The Queen awards in addition to these, such as The Order of Merit, or The ...

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DILEENI DANIEL SELVARATNAM – GOVERNOR OF ANGUILLA In 2020 the colonial powers still exists. An island of some 20,000 people have a new Governor appointed by her majesty the queen! A British Sri Lankan gets the job. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-governor-of-anguilla ...

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Sri Lankan-origin Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam appointed as the new Governor of Anguilla-By P. Sarojini New Delhi , India (CWBN)_ Sri Lankan Tamil origin Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam has been appointed as the new Governor of Anguilla. According to the report from UK foreign office, she will succeed Tim Foy (OBE) who is the present Governor of Anguilla. The report said she will officially take up the post on January 2021. Selvaratnam is a Tamil origin Britisher and a lawyer by profession.        Anguilla is the British Overseas Territory in the West Indies covering 35 sq miles with a population of 18,090.        Dileeni Daniel-Selvaratnam being a lawyer by profession holds a perfect record of academic and professional credentials. She has served in major departments of the ministries and holds a great deal of experience in government activities. ...

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