“MEMORIES OF WELLAWATTE” – By Des Kelly   Heading down from Bambalapitiya to Wellawatte, where I personally knew so many guys & dolls, it was almost impossible to keep track of everyone, especially after the mass-exodus of our Burgher folk, from the Island. This magnificent “memorial” sent to me, from Maxie Gerreyn is truly a great read, and once again, I thank him so very much for keeping these precious memories going. Desmond Kelly (Editor-in-Chief)  eLanka.    A TRIBUTE TO THE FAMILIES OF ARETHUSA LANE, MADANGAHAWATTE LANE AND THE CANAL END OF HAMPDEN LANE   sent in to the blog by Jennifer de Silva What wonderful memories of those carefree days in Arethusa Lane – the boys playing cricket on the weekends and school holidays, the whistle of the Borakakul Karaya (man on stilts dressed as a woman) as he made his rounds, the Sakkili Band waking everyone up from ...

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“FIRST DOWN, AGAIN” – by Des Kelly    Video Source: abc 07.47. (7/12/2020) touchdown,  Monday morning, you guessed it. The first International flight into Melbourne, coming from Colombo, Sri Lanka has made it safely, now to face the new, much tougher entry requirements that will be required of both the Airline crew and the passengers, quarantined under very strict conditions, overseen, this time, by ADF (Australian Defence Force) Personnel, as it should have been, in the first place, anyway.         First down, again, since June 2020, and it really does not matter where in the World they come from, visitors could well be carrying the dreaded Covid bug (without even knowing it), and Victoria Australia, of all places, is certainly not going to make the same mistakes they made initially, leading to the toughest restrictions in Australia, in an effort to eradicate C.V,19., this one, too little, it ...

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THE MYSTICAL EXPLORER WINS – BY ANNE DE COSTA – eBook in PDF The Mystical Explorer Wins was born after many years of deep study and daily application. I made a conscious decision to change my life by practicing gratitude and forgiveness on a daily basis. Buy the eBook (in PDF) for $7 Now! – Mystical Explorer Wins – Click here to buy with instant download of the PDF eBook Introducing Ancient Magic, Wisdom & Knowledge “It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others succeed” Napoleon Hill I would like to pay tribute to a group of people who came into my life and gave me freely of their time, inspiring me to launch my first book. Nimal Alwis Producer (C31 Sri Lanka Morning Show) Derrick J (Entertainer) Bandu Dissanayake (Vishvavahini TV) Ryle Moldrich (Vishvavahini TV) Desmond Kelly (Musician/Journalist) Umadevi Pemmaraju (Master of Computer ...

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“STORMS NEVER LAST” – By Des Kelly  Once in a way, a song grabs my attention to the extent that I feel I just have to share it with all of our eLanka  members, around the World. Many will have already heard this beautiful Country song, written by an equally beautiful songstress, songwriter, and pianist, Jessie Colter, dedicated to her famous Country Icon husband Waylon Jennings, God rest his soul.            I consider myself a Country Music fanatic, and have seen this great couple Jessie & Waylon sing this song on stage, together, with this Country “Outlaw” Waylon publicly showing his love for his beautiful wife, even as they sang.  I loved their version of the song           Then, out of the blue, so to speak, I suddenly watched another version of Storms Never Last, this time, by an Irish Father/Daughter combination, ...

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“BURGHER BUGGERS” Drinking Whisky by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’      Doubtless, most of us will probably remember the little “Lansi-Limerick” (above), I certainly do, although most of us could not afford to drink the bloody stuff and had to- make–do with “Kassippu & Arracku”(even “Mendis-Special” was too expensive for us), and unfortunately, I did not know Prasanna at the time. I met my good friend Prasanna Mendis in Melbourne, fairly late in the piece, and, by this time, we were only drinking Ceylon Tea. Please NOTICE, that, while “She” became “Shri Lanka”(the resplendant Isle), in 1972/3, “Ceylon Tea” has remained, and always will remain, the very BEST tea in the World. Forget tea from anywhere else, and forget the “Brands”, ANY Ceylon-Tea, grown on the beautiful highland tea-estates, especially, would have to be the BEST non-intoxicating “brew”on the Planet.       Stop digressing Des, & get down to ...

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“UP, AUNTY A.B.C.” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ By Source, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=29774804      A shining example, folks. “The King’s Speech”, an excellent movie, already seen by this writer, but so good, that I wanted to watch it again, & even “rang-up” a few friends to  commend it to them, only to be disappointed and disgusted with the fact that this great film, featuring, among others, a superb Aussie Actor in Geoffrey Rush as speech therapist Lionel Logue (teaching our Queen’s late father, King George Vl, not to stammer so much), contained MORE commercials than the film itself.       Channel 72, in Melbourne (we could have done without the figure 7 in the above number), must certainly get a “hand’s up” for choosing some superb movies, and I commend them for it, BUT, to include this multitude of “commercials”(I reckon there must have been at least ...

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“OLD CEYLON” The resplendent Isle. Part 2 – by Desmond Kelly ‘Star of eLanka’ To “carry on” from the beautiful photographs of old Ceylon, featured on the award-winning “eLanka” website that I am so very proud of, as recently as the week, past, I am now happy to bring “our readers” the above, also, now featuring my Original Composition,  “Ceylon, my Island of dreams”, from the “Ultimate DVD”, also featured on eLanka, which is available for you good readers out there, TOTAL benefits going to a little Convent in Tangalle, Lanka, aptly named “Kuda-Kusum” (little flowers), orphan-girls who are totally reliant on our help, in order to survive. I was more than happy to do this, through eLanka & especially Michael Fernandez of the “Lanka-Times” of which I remain the Editor. This particular “article” on-line, gives readers more insight on the Country that we were born in, only to reluctantly ...

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“A SAD CHAOSMAS” – By Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ A happy Christmas, for most of us, a sad chaosmas for those unlucky folk, run down by a lunatic in Melbourne Town, very recently. While I do not particularly want this article “on-line”, via eLanka, simply because it’s just another “bad-news” one, (God knows we have had too many, in 2017 anyway), however, why this happened, how it happened, & how it could be possibly be “stopped” from happening, at all, starting next year, is my reason for writing this one.       I has to be quite obvious that the latest W.O.D.(weapon of destruction) is the common motor vehicle. This seems to be the easiest, most convenient way for any “nut-case” to carry out his/her evil plans of killing people. A “vehicle”, so commonly seen by so many, on our roads every single day, would be something ...

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“ON-LINE WITH LATE-LINE” By Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ “Aunty A.B.C.”, the ONLY T.V.Channel one can watch without the annoying interruption of “silly-ads”, every two minutes, has always been, as far as many Lankan-Aussies (myself included), the very BEST T.V.  on offer, in Melbourne, anyway. Naturally, I cannot speak for our “viewers” in the other States in this sun-burnt Land, but I have always opted for the A.B.C. because of it’s straight-forward approach to what is sometimes quite inapproachable “subjects” without fear or favour, which is “the way to go”. Unfortunately, now, in the topsy-turvy World that we live in, Politics play a major part in decisions that are sometimes difficult to comprehend. The Channel 2 “Four Corners” has been in the “gun-sight” of the Federal Government for a while, now, simply because this t.v. programme tells it like it is. “Aunty” will take a “story”, good, bad, happy ...

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CHRISTMAS-DAY – by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ Yes, it isn’t too far away, another Christmas day, Have you bought all your presents ?, well, don’t delay, Next year, in July, also possibly May, Don’t forget your “shopping” for Christmas day. D.K. While I do believe in Christmas, with all it’s trimmings, it is quite possible that Jesus Christ was NOT born on the 25th of December, of that year. History leads us to believe that while shepherds watched their flock by night, all seated on the ground, it would have then been much too cold, with too much snow around. . It would have been the height of Winter, in December, and while the shepherds may have been illitrate, they would not have been fools. All “stock” would have been “under-cover”, their shepherds, with them. I am also “informed” that Christmas was a part of some pagan festival, and do know that ...

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