NOEL NEWS Who you are…will attract people like you to you.  DAVID MELTZER Welcome to our second May newsletter. This is the week my new book was officially launched. It was pre-released via my website six weeks ago to give all your loyal subscribers first choice, but also to give the books time to get from the printers to the bookstores. It should now be available in all bookstores and I’m busy doing the usual rounds an author has to do. Get the book View all bundles A big thank you to all you good people who read my newsletter.  If you were forwarded this newsletter by a friend and you would like to subscribe, you can do so here: Subscribe to Noel News For more Noel News: View past Noel News editions You can also find the subscription box in the footer of all website pages. Upcoming Events The ...

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Noel News – a New Financial Year “It’s okay to celebrate your wins, but remember, wins are milestones, not finish lines.” DAVID MELTZER Welcome to another newsletter and to the start of another financial year. As I write this, the Australian stock-market is at a record highs, and American stock markets are in a similar position. The top 20 performing Australian super funds returned over 18% to their members over the year, a result that nobody would have predicted 12 months ago. I also noticed in my daily diary that exactly two years ago the Australian stock-market was at a six year high. The question that seems to be in everybody’s minds is “when will the big crash come?”. It’s a reasonable question when you think of the amazing 12 months we have enjoyed with our investments, but you need to keep in mind that nobody has the power to accurately forecast ...

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