Customer not always right when it comes to food wastage Yes, your Gen Z wait staff are judging what you order for lunch, because they see how much of it ends up as waste. Researchers from Edith Cowan University’s (ECU’s) School of Business and Law surveyed Gen Z hospitality workers and 98 per cent believed customers ordering too much food was the main driver of food wastage in the industry. Our obsession with fresh produce was the second most common reason for wastage with 79 per cent of workers blaming health and safety regulations. More than 7.3 million tonnes of food waste ends up in Australian landfill every year and a large portion can be attributed to the hospitality industry. Studies have estimated restaurants can over-cater by up to 30 per cent. The team from ECU surveyed 52 hospitality workers employed in Australia. The researchers were particularly interested in ‘Gen ...

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