COUNTRY SINGERS/SONGWRITER by Desmond Kelly Genres of “history” matter very much to historians, and likewise, genres of “music” matter to musicians. My “tastes” in music are extremely “catholic”. I love all types, came into this World with music already seething through my veins, my dear mother, already having won prizes for “singing” at school and dad, a fairly good “baritone” although not professionally. Even as a very young baby, a very frail one, at that, nothing could soothe me more than music. I don’t think that a single day has passed through my life, honestly, without some sort of music enhancing some part of it. How could I explain this better ?. Plants seem to “grow better” with music around them. It is a well-known fact that even cows provide better & MORE miik if their owners play some sort of music, while milking them. Savage dogs have been known ...

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