Pigeon Island National Park: A Jewel of Sri Lanka-by Kalani-eLanka Pigeon Island National Park, located off the coast of Nilaveli in Eastern Sri Lanka, is a pristine sanctuary that showcases the country’s incredible marine biodiversity and natural beauty. This national park, one of Sri Lanka’s two marine national parks, is named after the rock pigeons that inhabit the island. Established as a sanctuary in 1963 and upgraded to a national park in 2003, Pigeon Island offers a unique experience for nature enthusiasts, snorkelers, and beach lovers alike. Pigeon Island National Park is renowned for its stunning coral reefs, which are among the best-preserved in Sri Lanka. The park’s waters are home to over 100 species of coral, providing a vibrant habitat for a myriad of marine life. Visitors can snorkel or dive in these crystal-clear waters to witness a spectacular array of fish, including species such as clownfish, blacktip reef ...

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