Bogambara Prison to become hotel, mall complex – Minister Source:Dailynews The Bogambara prison, a historical site with rich architectural heritage, is set to be transformed into a hotel complex, announced Urban Development and Housing Minister Prasanna Ranatunga. A private investor will spearhead this initiative. Assigned to the Urban Development Authority (UDA) in 2014, Bogambara Prison is undergoing redevelopment as part of the Greater Kandy Development Plan and the Kandy City Development Plan. Efforts are underway to preserve the prison’s colonial architecture while adapting the main building for new uses. According to E.M.S.B. Ekanayake, Central Provincial Director of the UDA, the project aims to enhance the economic value of the premises by adding open and recreational facilities accessible to the public. ...

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The Captivating “Story of Sri Lankan Cricket” by Nicholas Brookes-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis Martin Chandler:…. in CricketWeb, 14 August 2022, reviewing Nicholas Brookes: An Island’s Eleven: The Story of Sri Lankan Cricket, The History Press, 2022, 535 pp, Rating: 4.5 stars …. with highlighting emphasis imposed by The Editor, Thuppahi In the final sentence of his preface Nicholas Brookes expresses the view; For as much as I’ve tried to ‘tell the story of Sri Lankan cricket’, this work is merely a starting point. This is, I presume, a reference to the paucity of existing literature on Sri Lankan cricket rather than an attempt to downplay his own contribution to that particularly genre. It is inevitably unfortunate and disappointing that, to date, none of Muttiah Muralitharan, Arjuna Ranatunga, Samantha Jayasuriya, Chaminda Vaas, Mahela Jayawardene, Kumar Sangakkara or Rangan Herath have been persuaded to write an autobiography, but the game in Sri Lanka does at least now have a ...

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The hidden racism and naming of roads in Sri Lanka by Saroj Jayasinghe Source:Dailymirror A single incident in the US which was captured on a mobile phone by a teenager has triggered waves of protests against racism, globally. This has included bringing down of monuments that represented racists or slave owners in the UK and USA. Well-known names of such racists who were being implicitly honoured include the statue of Cecil Rhodes in Oxford University and the Policy School named after Woodrow Wilson in Princeton USA, both of which are likely to be removed by the universities.    It is inevitable that countries in the global financial periphery such as Sri Lanka, too are touched by these events and reflect about racism. In the next few paragraphs I wish to outline the history behind a few selected names we currently glorify in Sri Lanka. The fact that Sri Lanka honours ...

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