Transforming Australian Culinary Tastes: “Colombo Social” run by Shaun SEE  …. Off Menu _ Shaun Christie-David – ABC News… which resisted all my hamhanded efforts at copying its pictures …. so ‘taste’ this Shaun Christie-David can still picture the bin where he used to ditch his dhal sandwiches, the furtive act of a teenage boy of migrant parents desperate to fit in. He loved dhal at home. The aromatic combination of lentils, tempered mustard seeds, spices and fried onions made by his Sri Lankan-born mother, or amma, Shiranie, was his favourite meal. But at school, he’d be teased about his weird-looking, pungent lunch, buffeted by taunts of, “Shit man, your lunch stinks”. So, the sandwiches stayed in his schoolbag all day before being dumped in that bin next to the ticket machine at the train station in south-west Sydney where Shiranie was waiting to take him home. Today, that dhal, Amma’s Dhal, takes pride of place ...

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VIDEO: Off Menu | Shaun Christie-David – By Patrick Ranasinghe image VIDEO: Off Menu | Shaun Christie-David He can’t cook, he’s not after money but Shaun Christie-David’s building a restaurant empire that’s changing lives one dish at a time. Shaun was always ashamed of what was in his lunchbox. Now it’s at the heart of his radical restaurant empire. Shaun Christie-David is a radical restaurateur who’s employing the “unemployable” and giving away thousands of free meals. Shaun Christie-David can still picture the bin where he used to ditch his dhal sandwiches, the furtive act of a teenage boy of migrant parents desperate to fit in. SHe loved dhal at home. The aromatic combination of lentils, tempered mustard seeds, spices and fried onions made by his Sri Lankan-born mother, or amma, Shiranie, was his favourite meal.But at school, he’d be teased about his weird-looking, pungent lunch, buffeted by taunts of, “Shit ...

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The Sri Lankan restaurant feeding Sydney’s vulnerable Shaun Christie-David repurposed his Sydney restaurant Colombo Social to feed those in need. (Mission Australia)Source: Mission Australia Source:-SBS Like many other restaurant owners, Shaun Christie-David has been hit hard by the impact of COVID-19, which has included the government mandating restaurants close dine-in services and only provide takeaways and deliveries. “Within three weeks, we lost about 100 per cent of our revenue,” says the co-owner of Colombo Social. Tough social-distancing rules meant people could no longer order kottu roti, hoppers or his mother’s dhal while dining in his restaurant in Sydney’s inner-west suburb of Enmore. Instead of scrambling to save his business from financial ruin, though, his first thought was, “how do I help others?'” ...

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