SUNDAY CHOICE – He did it with you in mind – A Message for Lent – by Charles Schokman Pray this hymn will be a blessing to you. They made a crown out of thorn branches and placed it on His head.’ Matthew 27:29 CEV The hymnist Isaac Watts wrote; ‘See from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down. Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown?’ Jesus wore a crown of thorns so you could wear a crown of glory. Thorns in Scripture represent sin. In Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed, God said, ‘Cursed is the ground because of you… both thorns and thistles it will grow for you.’(Genesis 3:17–18 NASB) Later He told Israel that unless they purged the land of their enemies, ‘they will be like… thorns in your sides.’(Numbers 33:55 NCV) Solomon cautioned: ‘Corrupt people walk a thorny, treacherous road.’ (Proverbs 22:5 NLT) And Jesus warned, ‘You ...

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