“The Star Story” Illuminates Hearts and Minds in a Spectacular Fusion of Tradition and Modernity! In a dazzling display of artistic brilliance, Lyceum International School, Nugegoda, took centre stage with their enchanting Christmas musical, ‘The Star Story.’ This one-of-a-kind production not only breathed new life into the age-old ‘Nativity’ tale but also wove in contemporary challenges, delivering a potent message of hope that resonated through every note, step, and scene. With a cast of 250, aged 5 to 12, ‘The Star Story’ transformed the school’s auditorium into a realm of wonder. Through a mesmerising blend of singing, dancing, and acting, the young performers created a magical tapestry that amazed the audience, leaving them spellbound and eager for more. Setting itself apart with a diverse musical repertoire spanning pop, jazz, rap, and hip-hop, ‘The Star Story’ transcended traditional boundaries, offering a night of entertainment that was not only visually stunning but ...

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