“APPRECIATION OF ARTICLES” – by Des Kelly We, at e’Lanka, now receive very many different articles, whose Authors hope that they will be included in our Newsletters which come out on line, each Wednesday and Sunday respectively. While we do try our utmost, to ‘edit’ every single one of the ‘posts’ sent,  the odd one escapes our hurried scrutiny sometimes, and ends up being published. IF any such article causes concern, we do apologise, but we are human, and in humanity, mistakes do occur at times. On the other hand, there are just a few ‘special’ Contributors whose articles appear regularly on e’Lanka preceded by an introduction by me, your Editor. I find myself thanking these friends such as Keith Bennett, Charles Schokman, Victor Melder, Chris Lawton, and a few others personally, for their valued additions to our great website, which now boasts close to thirty thousand avid readers every ...

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“GOLD-FEVER” – by Des Kelly My thanks to Chris.Lawton O.A.M., for sending in yet another remarkable video which actually disproves the fact that we come into this World with nothing, and leave with nothing. This rich dude featured, ensured that he did want more personal jewellery on him, when he went, than anyone else in his Country (I would dare to presume EVERYONE else owned). However, the rest of his wealth left behind, is something to behold. I have never seen this fantastic accumulation of GOLD & JEWELS before (in pictures) & decided that very few of us in fact, have had, either, so please enjoy this video folks & remember that, as each of you grows old, protect yourself from so much gold, gold, gold !!. because you still cannot take MOST OF IT WITH YOU, when you go. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka. Gold ! Gold ! Gold ! ...

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The late Mrs. Doris Abel – Details of Funeral Service    Deeply regret to inform you that  DORIS,  wife of  BINKY  ABEL,  Royal Ceylon Navy (Retd.), passed away this afternoon.    They were both senior voluntary workers and  Office  Bearers in The  Ceylon  Welfare  Organisation here in Noble Park. Their residence:   Unit 19 ,  43 – 47 , Doveton Avenue, Eumemmerring, Vic. 3177                Phone:  Mob.  043 228 4537   Land : 03  9792 2404 Chris Lawton. FUNERAL  SERVICE Commencing  10 a.m.  on  FRIDAY  14th. OCTOBER  2022  at  the  Anglican  Church  of  St. Michael  and  St.Luke, Heatherton Road, Dandenong  North. Chris Lawton   ...

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Obituary: EDWARDS, Mary Aureliya  – 26/08/1945 – 23/07/2022 Wife  of  Robin Edwards, Engineering  Division, Royal Ceylon Navy  retd., Thanksgiving  Service  for  the  life  of  Mary Aureliya Edwards will be offered at  St Jude’s Catholic Church, 49 George St, Scoresby , on THURSDAY Aug. 4  at  2pm. Live Streaming can be accessed at: https://bit.ly/MAEdwards  Note from Chris Lawton: Aureliya  was  an  active  member  of  the  our  CESA  and  it  would  be  appropriate  to  show  our  appreciation  by  forming  a  Guard  of  Honour ( small  though  it  may  be  ) at  the  Church Exit  when  the  casket  is  being  taken  after  the service.  Please  wear  your  Blazers.  Thank  you  for  your  cooperation.  Chris Lawton ...

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11th February ……The day Charlie Chaplin died and some profound facts of and for a happy Life. – by Desmond Kelly Sir Charles Chaplin, or simply Charley Chaplin as everyone knew  him, was born on the 16th of April, 1889 and died on the25th of December 1977, at 88 years of age,was not just the comic Character he portrayed, but also a wise and witty little man who made some profound statements before he closed his eyes for the last time. This story came to e’Lanka via Chris Lawton O.A.M. , & Keith Bennett, and we thank both of them for it. Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief)  e’Lanka.   Today is the day…when Charlie Chaplin  died….so his 3 profound  observations (1) Nothing is Permanent in this World, not even our Troubles. (2) I like Walking in the Rain,  because NoBody can see my Tears. (3) The Most Wasted Day in Life is the ...

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“THE MAGIF OF TECHNICOLOUR” – BY Des Kelly With due thanks to Chris Lawton, once again, something very different for all the highly valued members and readers of e’-Lanka. For me, and doubtless, for many others, these pictures that magically change colour, at the touch of a finger, will quite definitely bring back memories of the days of only black and white films, both at theatres and on television. Please, let us not forget that there are still classic films in black and white, for us to enjoy, but, when the magicof technicolour did come in, it created a whole lot more of enjoyment for the public in general. It was the same with photography. I still remember the days with my old Kodac box camera that could only produce “shots” in black and white. It all seems to be not so very long ago and yet, while time has ...

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Generation Gap – by Des Kelly A most interesting comparison between the two present generations. We never really stop to think about this particular subject nowadays, but when I did receive this post from my good friend Chris Lawton, I decided that here was something that all e’Lanka readers would love to read, and so be it.  As I have always said, there is nothing better than reading interesting articles that tell it exactly as it is, so thank you, Chris., for your contribution to e’Lanka.   Desmond Kelly. (Editor-in-Chief) e’Lanka. Generation Gap – A  most  unhappy  conclusion. Comparison between the two  present  “Generations” . A youngster asked his father: “How did you people live before with- No access to technology No aeroplanes No internet No computers No dramas No TVs No air cons No cars No mobile phones?” His Dad replied: “Just like how your generation lives today with – ...

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