Dr Dinesh and his mum shares how important allyship has been during his journey – Vikki De Alwis – Chevron Source: Vicki De Alwis – Linked In This week the ENABLED network and Chevron Australia were extremely privileged to host Dinesh Palipana OAM for two key engagements. Dr Dinesh and his mum shared how important ally ship has been during his journey over a lunchtime engagement and then met with Senior Leaders to help us learn and improve on our inclusion journey in Chevron Australia. Dinesh is an amazing human! For anyone who hasn’t heard of his story I recommend you buy his new book (Stronger by Dinesh Palipana) – you will learn more than a thing or two!! Thank you Dinesh Palipana OAM for helping us continue to grow and be better at Chevron.   ...

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