Dancing with the Lover of their Soul  – by Charles Schokman   “You turned my mourning into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing Your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise You forever.” – Psalm 30:11–12 The Masaka Kids Africana are a wonderfully gifted group of dancers from Masaka, Uganda. The group exists because of an organisation that does unbelievable work for orphans in Uganda. There are over a million orphaned children in Uganda which is why it is so important that organizations like this exist. Their living conditions are  much to be desired but what keeps them going is the song in their hearts (Never Quit) and their dancing feet. Hope this makes your day brighter.   ...

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‘Money Money Money’ – by Charles Schokman THE DEFINITION OF MONEY Money is very funny indeed.  How interesting …. I never thought Money has different names!!! In temple, church or mosque, it’s called donation. In school, it’s fee. In marriage, it’s called dowry. In divorce, alimony. When you owe someone, it’s debt. When you pay the government, it’s tax In court, it’s fines. Civil servant retirees, it’s pension. Employer to workers, it’s salary. Master to subordinates, it’s wages. To children, it’s allowance. When you borrow from bank, it’s loan. When you offer after a good service. it’s tips. To kidnappers, it’s ransom. Obtaining money through force or threats, it’s extortion. Illegally received in the name of service, it’s bribe. The question is, “when a husband gives to his wife, what do we call it??? ANSWER: Money given to your wife is called DUTY, and every man has to   do his ...

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SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO LOOK BACK – by Charles Schokman Sometimes you’ve got to look back to see how far you’ve come. To count your blessings. To put it all in perspective and be grateful for all the highs and lows in your life. To embrace every aspect of your past as a lesson, that has shaped you into the stronger and wiser person you are today. Sometimes you have to look back at all the people that have been a part of your life. To see them all as teachers and mirrors, reflecting your light or your darkness; bringing out your inner beauty or the things you need to work on. Be grateful for whatever role they might have played in your life. And keep in mind that your perception of them is a reflection on you. So what you think about these people says more about you than about them… Sometimes you have ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 17th September 2023 – 5th Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter Asalanka and Mendis lead Sri Lanka charge to Asia Cup final after heart stopper against Pakistan. – By TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE.(Elanka Sports Editor) Watch Asia Cup Pakistan vs Sri Lanka Highlights – Sri Lanka won by 2 wickets to get into the Finals against India කොළඹ කනත්තේ සැගවුණු මහා යුග පුරුෂයකුගේ පුරාවෘත්තය – By ආචාර්ය ගාමිණී කාරියවසම්. Watch Cricket Highlights of Asia Cup 2023 – India vs Sri Lanka Dinuth Wellelage announces his entry to the big time in fruitless performance against India – BY TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE (eLanka Sports Editor) RUWAN KUMARA ALREADY A SHINING SINGING STAR – By Sunil Thenabadu Stupas of Delft Island – evidence of earliest human habitation – By Arundathie Abeysinghe New Singapore Prez. – By Dr ...

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SUNDAY CHOICE – Oh, God, forgive me when I whine – by Charles Schokman May  our Selfishness  and  Vanities  be  forgiven.    *THE WORLD IS MINE* (Author Unknown)       Today, upon a bus, I saw a very beautiful woman       and wished I were as beautiful.       When suddenly she rose to leave,       I saw her hobble down the aisle.       She had one leg and used a crutch.       But as she passed, she passed a smile.       Oh, God, forgive me when I whine.       I have two legs; the world is mine.         I stopped to buy some candy.       The lad who sold it had such charm.       I talked with him, he seemed so glad.       If I were late, it’d do ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 6th September 2023 – 2nd Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter Esric Jackson launches new CD, ‘Second Generation ‘, and did it, his way – By TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE Trevine Rodrigo (eLanka – Melbourne) Catches up with Corrine Almeida Happy Father’s Day – By Noor Rahim Link Natural expands global footprint by launching in Qatar Sri Lanka’s women shock England and Athapaththu questions BBL indifference – BY TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE (Elanka Sports Editor) Health & Views – September 1st issue 2023 – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Dr. Yves Sugunaraj Christopher MB.BS., FRANZCP., MRC. PSYCH, DPM., DCH. Consultant Psychiatrist, Emeritus Assistant Professor – By Suvendrini H. C. Christopher-Schuhmann Sunil Thenabadu turned to book writing Lançarote de Seixas and Madampe: A Portuguese Casado[i] in a Sinhalese Village-by Michael Roberts Sanali Lihansa Silva a contestant in ...

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Say it now not when I am dead – ~ Shri. Rabindra Nath Tagore –  by Charles Schokman When I’m dead. Your tears will flow But I won’t know Cry with me now instead. You will send flowers, But I won’t see Send them now instead You’ll say words of praise But I won’t hear. Praise me now instead You’ll forgive my faults, But I won’t know….. So forget them now instead. You’ll miss me then, But I won’t feel. Meet me now, instead. You’ll wish You could have spent more time with me, Spend it now instead When you hear I’m gone, you’ll find your way to my house to pay condolence but we haven’t even spoken in years. Look , listen and reply me now. Spend time with every person around you, and help them with whatever you can to make them happy, your families, friends and acquaintances. Make ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 3rd September 2023 – 1st Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter Pathirana and Theeksheena lay the platform for a sensational Sri Lanka triumph over Bangladesh – BY TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE. (Elanka Sports Editor) Magic and glamour at all events our focus SRI LANKA NEWS – by Victor Melder. Injury ridden Sri Lanka’s gamble on sacrifice in Asia Cup with plans for World Cup is up fordebate? – BY TREVINE RODRIGO IN MELBOURNE. (Elanka Sports Editor) Photos from the Facilitation to 7th Royalist to become Navy Commander- Admiral Ravindra Chandrasiri Wijegunaratne Kaleidoscope with Savithri Rodrigo 173 31 08 2023 SUNDAY CHOICE – A FATHER’S LOVE – by Charles Schokman Festival of the Tooth – By Dr harold Gunatillake A Man-Created Warming of Mother Earth. – By Noor R. Rahim MEDIA RELEASE: Celebrate spring with Liverpool ...

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AN INSPIRATIONAL MESSAGE FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2023. – By Charles Schokman Our Father who art in heaven. A Father’s Day Message to you. Many of us approach Father’s Day with mixed emotions. Some people have hands-on fathers who are available and interested in their lives; others have somewhat distant, disinterested fathers; while others still were abandoned by their fathers altogether. And some have fathers who have died. But one thing we all have in common, no matter what kind of dad we have or have had, is that we have a Father in heaven. And regardless of how your father on earth has treated you, you have a Father in heaven who has always been there and always will be there for you. The Bible says that God is a “father of the fatherless” (Psalm 68:5 NKJV). And David wrote, “When my father and my mother forsake me, ...

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eLanka Newsletter – 30th August 2023 – 9th Edition Sri Lankans in Australia Click here or on the image below to read this week’s elanka Newsletter A new book titled, ‘A Tale from a Promised Land’ has been released by Austin Macauley publishers in London. PETERITES IN THE NEWS – ROHANTHA ATHUKORALA Photos from the Ceylon Society of Australia Meeting on 27 August 2023 with guest speaker – The High Commissioner for Sri Lanka in Australia, Her Excellency Mrs Chitranganee Wagiswara How good is a can or two beers every day? – By Dr Harold Gunatillake St. Peter’s College Old Boys Social Club Melbourne Inc – AGM 2023 The Pre-Seventies Batch/Group of the St. Peter’s College Old Boys’ Union – Annual General Meeting Jaya Ganga: The Engineering Marvel of the Kala Oya Valley-by Michael Roberts අභිමානණීය දළදා පුරාණය Visit to the Rehabilitation Hospital in Digana, Kandy Sri Lanka – By ...

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