The story of Wellawatte-by Ifham Nizam Wellawatte beach, though not very wide, is of any significance in Colombo, the rest of its shoreline being with little or no beach with plenty of rock (Courtesy Asiff Hussein) Source:Island Image Source:Island Asiff Hussein, the Author of The Great Days of Colombo, speaks to The Island on how Wellawatte came to be and the origins of its street names. Q: You have covered Wellawatte fairly extensively in your book, The Great Days of Colombo. Could you share with our readers something about your findings in the course of your research? A:Wellawatte is a fairly new addition to Colombo City which originally started in the Fort and Pettah areas before expanding to the outlying areas, like Cinnamon Gardens and the long stretch from Colpetty to Wellawatte, which is its southernmost limit. Although today Wellawatte is a very busy part of Colombo, it was not very populated until about a ...

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