KALASURI CHANNA WIJEWARDENA UNDISPUTED KING OF CHOREOGRAPHY HEADS CHANNA UPULI DANCE TROUPE TO UNPRECEDENTED TALL ELEVATIONS FOR OVER FOUR DECADES – by Sunil Thenabadu Image Source : facebook Kalasuri Channa Udayprem  Wijewardena , awarded a doctorate for his work on arts from a university in USA ,was born in Rangoon in Myanmar where he had lived only for ten months before the family moved to  London for five years as his father was a diplomat attached to the foreign service ,Channa could recollect his younger days living in London ,how the VIP’s were invited to dinner  enjoying  the delicious curries his mother had prepared. He also remembered his tenure in primary education in the UK at K9 class when he initially learned the steps for ‘chalana’ ,flexibility ,body what one could perform what the body could do.Channa had learnt from his early age how one should stand,walk and sleep in the ...

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