Did you know that Frank Hadow was a tea planter in Ceylon and also won the Wimbledon? facebook Did you know that Frank Hadow was a tea planter in Ceylon and also won the Wimbledon? This is mainly from the History of Ceylon Tea (Anura Gunasekara’s article on the connection between Ceylon Tea and the Wimbledon) The Sidelines What does Ceylon Tea and the Wimbledon have in common? Frank Hadow, a planter from Ceylon who won the 2nd Wimbledon in 1878 while on holiday! Born on the 2nd of January 1855, Patrick Francis Hadow was one of seven brothers and attended Harrow School, where five of his brothers also attended and they were known as the “Harrow Hadows.” Soon after his days at Balliol College, he settled in Ceylon as a planter. ...

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St. Thomas’ College: A Wide-ranging History of the ‘School by the Sea’-by Michael Roberts Source:Thuppahis David Sansoni, whose preferred title is “STC – an unauthorised history of Lanka’s greatest Public School” Richard Simon’s ‘history of Lanka’s greatest public school’, is an epic poem! Epic, in its reach; poetic, in its lyricism, this towering, magnificent opus is a pearl, of both history and literature. “STC” touches the soul and core, of historophile, linguaphile and bibliophile; Christian, Lankan and, above all, Thomian. This book is not a chronicle of STC history. Keble and Billimoria served that purpose amply. Neither is it intended to evoke feelings of nostalgia in Old Thomians wishing to relive the ‘best years of their lives’.”It is more ambitious. The story begins in 1801, the year “modern, Western-style education” was established in British Ceylon. Fifty years of Lankan history precedes the foundation of St. Thomas’s College. This pattern – Thomian history ...

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“BURGHER BUGGER-BAILA” – by Des Kelly A great ‘Baila-Story’ that does bring back some precious memories to this writer, who migrated to Melbourne in 1962, continued with my rudely interrupted Showbiz career, by attending some early dances in Melbourne, where the organisers PAID me almost as much as the rest of the band combined, to do a session of about 40 minutes of Baila Classics,   because I was the only ‘known’ BaIla-Singer around, In the City of  Melbourne, of that era.  Desmond Kelly (Mr.Music) (Editor-in-Chief)   e’Lanka. ...

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Climb every mountain, seek different stories Source:Sundaytimes The Pekoe Trail is an exciting new 20 to 25-day, 300 km network of trails starting in Kandy, that has already been credited as one of the five most incredible walks in the world by the Financial Times in London. Funded by the European Union and USAID, this epic socially sustainable hike has been designed for responsible travellers with a love of meeting people and respect for their culturally rich traditions. The interconnecting paths cross over seven valleys, many tea plantations, and over some of Sri Lanka’s most stunning mountain terrain, including spectacular waterfalls where lovers leapt to their deaths and gold was hidden under giant boulders in ancient times. Every day is inspiring as you discover awesome pilgrimage sites, great lakes, meandering scenic peaks, unique architecture and deep valleys full of birds, wildlife and occasional forests. The extraordinarily diverse Pekoe Trail has ...

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Thoughts on Planter Lifeways in Ceylon evoked by the Braine Biography – By  Michael Roberts Source : thuppahis Camellia sinensis is a species of evergreen shrubs or small trees in the flowering plant family Theaceae. Its leaves and leaf buds are used to produce tea. Common names include tea plant, tea shrub, and tea tree. Wikipedia. If allowed to grow freely can reach up to 6 ft or more. For commercial agronomic purposes they are maintained as a compact shrub at approximately 4 ft, to increase productivity. And to suit the stature of female tea pickers. BOP = Broken Orange Pekoe, the very best grade of marketed tea. Flavour. Aroma, Colour. A very refreshing brew. Even in 50s and 60s many young men, especially ruggerites, from the Colombo/Kandy Colleges had dreams of upcountry plum planting jobs. ……………. Little realizing it is a lonely life, in the cool, cold, wet central hills of Sri Lanka …. from a social perspective. The fairer ...

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Tea export volumes down 7.8 MnKgs in July Source : dailymirror All main categories show negative variance Iraq, UAE and Russia rank as top three importers of Ceylon Tea for Jan.-Jul. 2022 period The tea exports for the month of July saw a decrease of 7.8 MnKgs when compared with the corresponding month of the previous year.  The exports of Ceylon Tea for July totalled 22.76 MnKgs, where all the main categories showed a negative variance compared to July 2021.   The cumulative analysis of the January to July 2022 period showed that the exports totalled 148.05 MnKgs for the seven months.  Here again a decrease of 14.47 MnKgs is observed when compared with the 162.52 MnKgs exported in the corresponding period in 2021. Iraq has remained as the major importer of Ceylon Tea, with an increase of 35 percent in imports year-on-year (YoY) for January-July 2022. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) secured ...

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Ceylon Tea named as Official Tea Supplier for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games Source:Dailymirror Ceylon Tea, widely considered by many as the finest in the world and with a rich history dating back more than a century and a half, has been named as the Official Tea Supplier for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games.  The Sri Lanka Tea Board has officially engaged in an agreement with the Games’ organising committee to provide Ceylon Tea for the athletes, officials, ancillary providers and guests at the Birmingham 2022 Athlete Villages. To facilitate the arrangement, the leading suppliers of the Ceylon Tea brand to the global market – namely Dilmah Tea and English Tea Shop, have come forward to offer their finest blends to those involved in Birmingham 2022 throughout the Games.  ...

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Meeyan Ella – spectacular waterfall with a history – By Arundathie Abeysinghe   Situated along the up-county railway line in close proximity to *Ihalakotte Railway Station, Meeyan Ella waterfall has a deep history unknown to the majority. The stream that Meeyan Ella waterfall originates is situated in a location known as Helan-Madiththa on the *Alagalla Mountain Range. Initially, the waterfall fell as a single stream over a rock and flowed over the villages of Thalagolla and Walagoda joining Thalagolla Oya (Oya meaning stream in Sinhala) connected to Ma Oya in Boella.   At present, the waterfall drops as two waterfalls with a gap of approximately 50 meters along two artificially cut grooves on the rock surface. There is a history regarding the origin of the two waterfalls from one waterfall. During the British Colonial Era, a railway line from Colombo to Kandy was constructed by the Colonials to transport goods ...

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Journey of Independence: Multiple Milestones to Celebrate Source:dailynews.lk As the country chalks up 74 years of national Independence today with the customary usual pomp and ceremony a stock taking is in order to determine our achievements and setbacks and also ponder on the prospects and challenges in the future. Have we collectively failed as nation or can we be happy at our present position seven decades on? Of course, there will be the usual patriotic rhetoric that will be heard from Independence Day platforms and of the achievements and advancement made as a people. But as is the norm most of these speeches will be centred on the political achievements of various individuals and entities. There certainly will be those who will entertain a sense of satisfaction by the strides made the country in the realm of social advancement and on certain development indicators on the long journey since Independence. ...

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Asian American Expo 2022 Sri Lanka Business Promotion – Booth Number 4126  Saturday January 15th & Sunday January 16th  10am to 7pm Pomona Fairplex, 1101 W. McKinley Ave, Pomona, CA 91768 The Sri Lanka booth will be promoting tourism, coconut products, Ceylon tea, Ceylon gems, Ceylon Cinnamon and spices, Ceylon coconut products and many more to American Chinese business community. Please join us! Support Sri Lanka.   $15 per person – Vaccination Card Required This event is attended by thousands! Hundreds of Booths From Many Asian Countries and South American Countries   ...

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