Use existing resources for agri-food sector in Mahaweli areas-By MAHINDA PANAPITIYA Source:Island Irrigation Engineer who has worked for Mahaweli Project since 80s As originally planned, the present phase of the Mahaweli Project should be focused on social and economic development of the families settled in Mahaweli areas. It could be done by promoting food production in a sustainable way, to gain the return on investment of capital cost incurred on the infrastructure constructed for delivering water to fertile lands in the dry zone. The potential available in lands under Mahaweli Project, which cover about 1/3 of farming areas of the Dry Zone, could easily help the country to become self-sufficient in healthy foods, deviating from monotonous rice cultivation, provided it is managed with a right vision. Concept According to the concept explained below, there is a need to change the present management approach to a role focusing food production using ...

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