The Significance of Poson Poya Day in Sri Lanka-by Kalani-eLanka Poson Poya Day, celebrated annually in June, is one of the most important Buddhist holidays in Sri Lanka. It commemorates the introduction of Buddhism to the island, an event that has profoundly shaped the nation’s culture, religion, and social structure. Here’s why Poson Poya Day holds such a special place in the hearts of Sri Lankans. The central significance of Poson Poya Day lies in its commemoration of the arrival of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. In 247 BCE, Arahant Mahinda, the son of the Indian Emperor Ashoka, traveled to Sri Lanka and introduced Buddhism to King Devanampiya Tissa. This event, which took place at Mihintale near Anuradhapura, is considered a pivotal moment in Sri Lankan history. The conversion of the king and his people to Buddhism marked the beginning of a new era for the island, influencing its spiritual and ...

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Poson Full Moon Poya – By Rakith Senanayake Source:Brisbane Sri Lankan Newsletter – Dæhæna – June 2022 Aside from the Vesak festival, the Poson Poya, scheduled annually in June, is the most celebrated full moon day for Buddhist devotees in Sri Lanka. It marks the arrival of Arahant Mahinda Thero from India with the noble teachings of the Gautama Buddha, and commemorates the beginning of the spread of Buddhism in Sri Lanka. Having been passed on through the generations, the very essence of Buddhism is still there for everyone to freely understand and put into practice. Passing on these teachings without dilution and preserving the integrity of them for future generations is our duty At the core of Buddhism is the exploration of human suffering (Dukkha), its origin (Samudāya), cessation (Nirodha) and the path out of suffering (Magga, as outlined in the Eightfold Path) through the Four Noble Truths. Attempting ...

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