Understanding and Managing Anger for a Balanced Life – By Malsha – eLanka Introduction: Anger is a powerful emotion that we all experience in our daily lives. While it is a natural response to various situations, unchecked anger can lead to destructive outcomes. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the nature of anger and explore effective ways to manage it. This article delves into the definition of anger, its characteristics, causes, types, and practical strategies for anger management. What is Anger? Anger can be defined as a strong emotional response triggered by a sense of wrongdoing or frustration. It is a normal reaction to challenging circumstances, serving as a signal that something needs attention. However, when anger spirals out of control, it can disrupt daily functioning and social interactions. Characteristics of Anger: Anger manifests in both biological and psychological ways. Biologically, it leads to heightened energy levels, increased blood pressure, ...

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