Bollywood Night – By Denis Anthonisz Source : Silverscene Official Newsletter We ventured into new territory with our theme tuned to things Bollywood. What a memorable night! The theme was beautifully lived out in the spirit and fun enjoyed by our members and guests, expressed so richly in their efforts to dress in colorful costumes. Silver Fawn members love a ‘dress up’!! The judges, Shameem and Suzie, were not impressed with the difficult task assigned to them though! The hall was a picture, thanks to the creative talents of Suzie and Namal, and this atmosphere enhanced a frenzy of musical enjoyment led by Russell Lowe and Ray Anthonisz who provided us with Bollywood, music, beautiful dance music and a feverish dance floor energized by ‘Boogie’! Our special dance guests, Panchadi and Shazna set the tone for the night with their talented routine of Bollywood dance. The response to their lesson sequence ...

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