Bitter Gourd (කරවිල) – By Nadeeka – eLanka Bitter gourd, known scientifically as Momordica charantia and commonly referred to as Karavila in Sri Lanka, is a unique vegetable with a distinctive bitter taste. Despite its bitterness, it is celebrated for its numerous health benefits and versatility in cooking. This article delves deep into the health benefits of bitter gourd, provides detailed instructions on how to grow this plant, and explores various ways to cook and enjoy it, including a recipe for the traditional Sri Lankan dish, Karavila Sambal. Health Benefits of Bitter Gourd 1. Rich in Nutrients Bitter gourd is a powerhouse of essential nutrients. It is low in calories yet high in vitamins and minerals. A typical serving of bitter gourd provides: Vitamin C: Important for skin health and immune function. Vitamin A: Essential for eye health. Folate: Crucial for cell division and DNA synthesis. Potassium: Helps in maintaining ...

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