“The Truth About Pot Bellies: Understanding the Harmful Effects and Effective Strategies to Combat Them.” – By Dr Harold Gunatillake Website: www.Doctorharold.com Transcript: Introduction What Leads to Excess Belly Fat and Pot Belly? Excess belly fat results from consuming too many calories, not burning enough calories, or, most commonly, a combination of both. Host (You): “Hey, everyone! Welcome back to our channel. Today, we’re diving into a topic that affects many of us: potbellies. These stubborn abdominal bulges can have serious health implications. But what’s happening beneath the surface? And, more importantly, how can we tackle them? Let’s get started!” Now, What Is a Pot Belly? “Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let’s define what we mean by a pot belly.” “A pot belly, also known as abdominal obesity or visceral fat, refers to excess fat stored around your midsection. It does not refer to subcutaneous fat (the fat just ...

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Your Belly & Fat Heart Attackts ! – By Dr Gotabhaya Ranasinghe Source : Dr Gotabhaya Ranasinghe facebook Did you know belly fat raises the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attacks? Over the years, I’ve noticed that the majority of Sri Lankans, men and women alike, carry belly fat. It has now become a fairly common sight. Most Sri Lankans start gaining belly fat after they are past their mid-twenties. However, it is disappointing to learn that the majority of them are ignorant of the dangers that belly fat can cause. Some people believe that belly fat is common as people age, while others believe that having a big belly enhances a person’s personality.! People gain belly fat primarily because of sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy diets that contain large amounts of sugar, bad fats, carbohydrates, and rice in practically all 3 meals. Did you know that in Sri ...

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