FOOD FOR THOUGHT: BY Joe Van Langenberg Given that COVID-19 has snuffed out thousands of lives in many countries, while continuing to exert its lethal toll on many more; we need to turn the searchlight inwards in a bid to reconcile differences with others; from whom we have been estranged. It matters not, with whom the buck stops. And it serves no useful purpose, by engaging in acrimonious recriminations, or provocative, condescending verbal mud-slinging, for cheap, sadistic point-scoring, aimed at delivering the sucker punch, or in some instances the king-hit. In the immortal words of the philosophical Cat Stevens (a.k.a. Yusuf Islam) “we are living on this planet for just awhile, so let’s stop fighting, frothing, cussing & be good to one another, before the oxygen runs out”. ...

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