Australian town ‘Badagini’ named by Sinhala migrant labour in 1880s? – By K.K.S Perera   Lankans ‘CONQUER’ Bundaberg, Queensland on Nov 18, 1882 Aborigines with Sri Lankan Blood!   Earliest recorded evidence of Sri Lankan immigrants to Australia was in 1816; they were, Major William O’Dean, a Sri Lankan Malay and his Sinhalese wife Eve. Most of the early immigrants from Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) were generally absorbed   into Aboriginal population. Other early references of Sri Lankan migration date back to the 1870s when the administrative system in Queensland Australia sought out the possibility of importing labour from Ceylon for work on sugar cane plantations. Ironically, during the same period, both coffee and tea plantations here relied on imported labour from South India. The first batch of Ceylonese arrived in 1870 to work in sugarcane plantations in the State, and were famously known as Cingalese, a common name ...

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“AUSTRALIAN OF THE YEAR 2018” by Desmond Kelly ‘the Star of eLanka’ “The A.B.C”.,.to the fore, once again, supported by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, bringing you, the members of eLanka an “on-line” account of what I would term, a most prestigious “Annual-Event” that duly recognises persons chosen by their peers for spectacular achievements carried out for nothing other than making this huge multicultural Continent a better place for EVERYONE HERE, to live in. On purpose, I do not intend to “detail” the names and achievements of 32 different “contenders” for this “title”, I would probably have to keep writing until 2019 to complete “that”, anyway, all the names & achievements of these wonderful people will be in the early morning newspapers of tomorrow, the 26th of January, 2018, Australia-Day & the holiday it entails. However, let me start with the “name” of the holiday. As every eLankan (Lankan/Aussie) should ...

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